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CrossFit (and General Fitness) For Women: How To Approach Fitness, Food & Body
Part 1: Mythbusters
Part 2: Goal-Setting & Mind Body Nutrition
Part 3: Building Positive Body Image
Speaking/Workshop Sizzle Reel

How To Hack A Faster Metabolism
A speedier metabolism seems to be one of those unattainable life goals like subsisting solely on coffee, wine and ice cream with no negative repercussions. While the latter remains a pipe dream (sorry, fellow mochi lovers), it is actually possible to give your metabolism a boost.

The key to avoiding binge eating and drinking, according to science
Why did I gain weight? Why can’t I lose weight? These are questions many of us ask ourselves at some point during our college years, starting with worrying about the infamous freshman 15.
Experts say the mind-body connection is key — and more important than you may realize.

6 Steps to Create More Time for Your Fitness
Lack of time is the #1 excuse to skip a workout. So what’s gonna be different this time? What’s the thing that really creates the shift so that you have time for it all?
The 6 steps below are formulated to lead you to that answer. These steps can really pave the path to a sustainable, fit lifestyle! Even if you walk away from this and incorporate only one of the 6 steps, you will be moving forward on your path to habitual fitness.
Inside Acting Podcast - Interview with Tessie Tracy
The Truth in the Mirror - with Tessie Tracy
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