

January 4, 2018

WorkshopsArticlesInterviews Workshops Free Workshop! CrossFit (and General Fitness) For Women: How To Approach Fitness, Food & Body Part 1: Mythbusters Part 2: Goal-Setting & Mind Body Nutrition Part 3: Building Positive Body Image Speaking/Workshop Sizzle Reel Articles How To Hack A Faster Metabolism A speedier metabolism seems to be one of those unattainable life goals […]

How To Find Time to Exercise While Working Full-Time
How to Improve Your Relationship with Food: 3 Tips
8 ways to Stay Motivated with new Health Goals
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I'm tessie!

Welcome to the blog. I hope you love nerding out on goal-setting, habits, and all things food and fitness as much as I do. My goal is to create actionable tips and tools for you with every post. Enjoy!


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CrossFit (and General Fitness) For Women: How To Approach Fitness, Food & Body

Part 1: Mythbusters

Part 2: Goal-Setting & Mind Body Nutrition

Part 3: Building Positive Body Image

Speaking/Workshop Sizzle Reel


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How To Hack A Faster Metabolism

A speedier metabolism seems to be one of those unattainable life goals like subsisting solely on coffee, wine and ice cream with no negative repercussions. While the latter remains a pipe dream (sorry, fellow mochi lovers), it is actually possible to give your metabolism a boost.

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The key to avoiding binge eating and drinking, according to science

Why did I gain weight? Why can’t I lose weight? These are questions many of us ask ourselves at some point during our college years, starting with worrying about the infamous freshman 15.

Experts say the mind-body connection is key — and more important than you may realize.

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6 Steps to Create More Time for Your Fitness

Lack of time is the #1 excuse to skip a workout. So what’s gonna be different this time? What’s the thing that really creates the shift so that you have time for it all?

The 6 steps below are formulated to lead you to that answer. These steps can really pave the path to a sustainable, fit lifestyle! Even if you walk away from this and incorporate only one of the 6 steps, you will be moving forward on your path to habitual fitness.


Inside Acting Podcast - Interview with Tessie Tracy

The Truth in the Mirror - with Tessie Tracy

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I'm Tessie, your new inner voice.

I always love it when my clients tell me "I hear you in my head reminding me I'm doing great and inspiring me to keep taking action." We all need an accountabilibuddy when it comes to personal growth and healthy habits. I'll be yours!

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5 Healthy Habit Roadblocks (mistakes) to Avoid

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3 Steps to Better Body Image Right Now!

Do you have a sentence in your head that goes something like "once I lose 10 lbs, then I'll be: happy, sexy, confident, lovable, worthy, beautiful..."? This is called the arrival paradox, once X then Y. But we know, most of the time even if we achieve X, Y doesn't magically occur. The secret? Work on Y (aka your body image) along the way! Download the Body Love Bundle to get my 3 signature steps to kickstart your body confidence!



The Body Love Bundle

Certified Eating Psychology Coach, Corporate Wellness Trainer, Fitness Expert, Keynote Speaker & Creator of the HAPIE Goal Method™.

tessie tracy

© tessie tracy, LLC 2023  |  Design by Tonic  |  Photos by Kelly Weaver & canva

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