
The Man Cave

January 4, 2018

‘Sup Dude! Yep, I work with men, too! I have had some truly powerful male clients breakthrough challenges with stress, body confidence, emotional eating, body dysmorphia, and more. If you’re a guy and you: Feel like you should always be on some ‘get lean’ diet Feel pressured to look a certain way to be considered […]

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I'm tessie!

Welcome to the blog. I hope you love nerding out on goal-setting, habits, and all things food and fitness as much as I do. My goal is to create actionable tips and tools for you with every post. Enjoy!


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‘Sup Dude!

Yep, I work with men, too! I have had some truly powerful male clients breakthrough challenges with stress, body confidence, emotional eating, body dysmorphia, and more.

If you’re a guy and you:

  • Feel like you should always be on some ‘get lean’ diet
  • Feel pressured to look a certain way to be considered masculine, powerful, strong, etc.
  • Have stress levels through the roof and know you’re not taking care of your health
  • Use food as a way to feel better, and then regret it later
  • Believe you would be more successful, sexy, attractive, respected, appreciated, etc. if you just had the ‘bod’ like the ones you see in Men’s health…

Then, well, I believe you are in the right place!

Let’s start the conversation. You’re still a man if you have any of the challenges (or similar ones) as above… and ask any woman… it makes you MORE of a man in our eyes when you can be vulnerable and brave enough to admit it.

It is time, however, that you stop letting this challenge hold you back from your true potential. Learn to focus on your health, without letting it rule your thoughts, or make you feel less than based on physical results.

I can help you work through these vulnerable topics that men may not feel they have a space in which to talk about, and they tend to stray away from it. But when you can create true brotherhood through openly and vulnerably sharing your own challenges and experience, only then will you unlock your fullest potential as a king in this world.

Join the free facebook community of men and women to connect today!

Or, sign up for a complimentary discovery session with Tessie HERE.

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I'm Tessie, your new inner voice.

I always love it when my clients tell me "I hear you in my head reminding me I'm doing great and inspiring me to keep taking action." We all need an accountabilibuddy when it comes to personal growth and healthy habits. I'll be yours!

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3 Steps to Better Body Image Right Now!

Do you have a sentence in your head that goes something like "once I lose 10 lbs, then I'll be: happy, sexy, confident, lovable, worthy, beautiful..."? This is called the arrival paradox, once X then Y. But we know, most of the time even if we achieve X, Y doesn't magically occur. The secret? Work on Y (aka your body image) along the way! Download the Body Love Bundle to get my 3 signature steps to kickstart your body confidence!



The Body Love Bundle

Certified Eating Psychology Coach, Corporate Wellness Trainer, Fitness Expert, Keynote Speaker & Creator of the HAPIE Goal Method™.

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